


AI powered platform can build business websites in minutes

A quarter of UK's 5.4 million SMEs neither have a website nor a listing in an online directory, which could lead to these businesses losing out on the millions of consumers who swear by shopping online. Why is there a digital block for these SMEs, and can artificial intelligence-powered website builders address this?


Can your website keep up with your business growth?

Your website is the heart of your business. Fabio Torlini, MD EMEA of WP Engine, outlines how to ensure it can scale with your growth.|Your website is the heart of your business. Fabio Torlini, MD EMEA of WP Engine, outlines how to ensure it can scale with your growth.


Pros and cons of hiring professional web developer

Many business owners go for hiring a professional web developer these days because having a good website is very important in order to make the business stand out and be noticed by the target audience.


Three reasons you need a mobile site

Optimise your website to get the most out of mobile


Going global? You need a worldwide web manager

These days, ‘going global’ can be as simple as having an international web presence. But when companies have different teams scattered all over the world, localised websites are often built in a way that drains resources and lacks consistency


Star Wars domain dispute: The empire strikes back

After a decade of being in the hands of the rebels, Lucasfilm has finally wrestled back control of starwars.co.uk and a number of related domain names: so what are the rules in this epic cyberspace battle?

PR and Marketing Strategy

How can you drive on-site conversions through web dialogues?

Marketing online is become more complex as increasingly savvy customers demand more from their online experience: so how can your business stay one step ahead of the game?


How to handle WordPress security issues in a growing business

WordPress is quickly becoming the platform of choice for SMEs building websites: but are you aware of how to keep your site secure?


Designs on a growing business: how your website can make or break you

Here, we look at the importance of a web design strategy that bears in mind the importance of aesthetics, functionality, SEO and engagement


Businesses urged to snap up unfavourable domain names

Companies following in the footsteps of Microsoft and Taylor Swift by buying unfavourable TLDs before internet trolls do.

PR and Marketing Strategy

The Virtual Handshake: How to make the best digital first impression

Do you know what first impression your business gives online? Here are some tips to make sure it's the best it can be.


The World Wide Web and its role in building businesses

The internet has done wonderful things for entrepreneurs, and given them tools our predecessors could only dream about.