
Financial Management

Desktop vs cloud accounting: What to consider 

What are the key differences between desktop and cloud accounting software, and what should you consider when it comes to choosing a solution for your business

Accounting and Finance Software

Accounting and Finance Software

Accounting and financial management software: What you need to know 

Fast-growth businesses need a solution that can cope with the demands of an ever-increasing volume of data, transactions, and tasks

Financial Management

Accounting 101: a guide for business growth

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Sprout’s Kate Gloudemans takes us through her top dozen tips to help you grow a stronger business

Financial Management

What is forensic accounting and how can it help your business?

A forensic accountant is not only an accounting expert but highly versed in the criminal, civil or regulatory context in which they operate

Financial Management

How to sidestep your bank and find the best exchange rate for bank transfers

Banks may not offer the best exchange rate on bank transfers – here's how to find the right provider who can get you better rates

Financial Management

Guarding against supplier insolvency

Richard West, MD of Red Flag Alert, provides practical advice on how companies can protect themselves against supplier insolvency

Financial Management

What I’d do with £500,000

Successful entrepreneurs have that magical touch when it comes to investing their money in both business and pleasure. We asked six owner-managers how they would choose to spend a £500,000 windfall.

Financial Management

21 tips for cash flow management

There are two fundamental goals at the heart of improving your cash flow: control your expenditure and regulate your income. To that end, there’s a raft of clever tactics that can enable you to explore expansion opportunities and reduce the chance of being caught short if the unexpected happens.

Financial Management

What I’d do with £500,000

Successful entrepreneurs have that magical touch when it comes to investing their money in both business and pleasure. We asked six owner-managers how they would choose to spend a £500,000 windfall.

Financial Management

21 tips for cash flow management

There are two fundamental goals at the heart of improving your cash flow: control your expenditure and regulate your income. To that end, there’s a raft of clever tactics that can enable you to explore expansion opportunities and reduce the chance of being caught short if the unexpected happens.

Financial Management

The perils of filing abridged company accounts

Filing shortened company accounts could lead to problems obtaining trade credit, financing and the loss of contracts, explains Adam Tucker

Financial Management

Annual Investment Allowance explained

Stephen Edwards of Cheltenham Tax Accountants answers your questions about the Annual Investment Allowance

Financial Management

Reducing the risk of bad debt – how credit control works

A good credit control system can be considered the lifeblood of a business. How to reduce the risk of bad debt and measures you can take during the COVID-19 pandemic

Financial Management

Over half of start-ups only have enough cash flow to survive six months

A number of worried UK start-ups only have enough cash flow to last them six months at most, new findings show.