

Human Resources

From cash rewards to gamifying recognition: the top five HR myths

Many businesses pay lip service to HR without understanding it or using it effectively: so how can even the most nascent or companies sort the wheat from the chaff in terms of people issues?

Human Resources

Commitment to staff learning key for business success in digital age

Using her own experience as director of digital recruitment consultant Futureheads, Rachel Murray explains why imbedding a culture of constant re-education creates an attractive environment for current and future hires.

Human Resources

How can you make cuts and keep hold of your best staff?

International sales trainer Andy Preston gives his advice when it comes to looking after a key business asset – personnel.


Rise of ‘iWorkers’ to keep up with technology-led change in business

The proportion of 'intelligent workers' who have constant access to business information is expected to rise in the next five years, new research suggests.

Human Resources

Providing 'duvet days' to increase staff retention

Treating staff like his own family has worked wonders for Kevin Taylor, CEO of online marketing services company Gravytrain.

Human Resources

Keeping staff on track

Technology can help you monitor staff, but how much tracking is healthy? GrowthBusiness reports on keeping productively on track without compromising output.

Human Resources

Alternatives to redundancy

Letting good people go should always be a last resort.

Human Resources

Team building with a difference

Few business leaders will have considered circus training for their staff, or installed a “think-u-bator”, in which employees can ponder and have moments of greatness. Yet there are companies out there that are doing exactly these things.

Human Resources

Managing staff time

The dividing line between work and personal time is becoming increasingly blurred. A flexible, self-regulating approach to time management will benefit both employee and employer, argues Simon Norris of software supplier Temperus.

Human Resources

Smile, you’re at work

A cynical workforce can devastate your business as surely as any economic downturn.

Human Resources

Getting the most out of Staff Appraisals

The key to staff appraisal meetings is that there should be no surprises. For instance, if an employee tells a manager that the six months since the last review have gone really badly, it should not be the first they've heard of it.

Growth Planning

Building a benefits programme for your employees

Rewards retain staff: hardly rocket science but an area that more and more fast-growing companies are paying attention to in the bid to hold on to their competitive advantage: their employees.