How to keep your staff motivated over the summer months

The summer months can be a difficult period to keep staff motivated and working. Here are some tips to help boost your productivity this summer.

With longer days, warmer weather and the ever-present pull of an ice cold drink at the local pub, it can be hard for businesses to maintain a motivated workforce. Working on a project with your team can be an uphill struggle if their attention is divided between stifling heat and dreams of a cold beer.

So how do you keep the team motivated during this time to make sure you’re not losing out on productivity over the summer months?

One way that can boost morale is to offer your staff summer perks to engage them in something more business related than sunbathing.

With summer upon us, some businesses fail to provide seasonal perks that workers say boosts productivity and keeps them motivated, as well as neglecting important facilities, including air conditioning and showers, which employees say directly improves their happiness.

Employees also value improvements to the office environment to such an extent that they would be willing to sacrifice part of their salary for an office refurbishment and spend more time in the office if they had better facilities.

What can you do to keep your staff motivated

Summer perks: 84 per cent believe that summer perks would make them more productive, yet 34 per cent of offices don’t offer any. The divide between employee expectations and employer reality is still gaping and it is up to businesses to offer something to help staff get through the tough months. 

What can you offer? There are many perks you can offer that can be costly to your business, such as taking your team out for drinks or a meal or buying them treats such as food. Alternatively, small changes to your company policy can make a huge motivational difference. Letting staff have casual dress on the hottest days, or letting them leave work early can be significant. 

Office facilities: Two thirds (66 per cent) believe that their office environment plays a key role in keeping them happy at work

What can you offer? There are clear discrepancies between what employees value versus what their work offers, including 60 per cent valuing air conditioning but 37 per cent do not have it; 57 per cent value outdoor spaces/opportunities for fresh air but 66 per cent do not have it available; 40 per cent value natural lighting yet 39 per cent don’t have it, and; 34 per cent value showers and changing facilities yet 65 per cent don’t have access to them

Happiness: 42 per cent of employees say that their current office environment does not have a positive impact on their happiness and only 36 per cent enjoy coming to work everyday

What can you offer? A big part of motivation at work is creating an enjoyable environment. Staff won’t want to be at work if they aren’t happy and don’t have fun. Investing in office decor, like plants and art has been shown to increase happiness and productivity in offices.

Salary sacrifice: A third (31 per cent) of employees said they would sacrifice at least one per cent of their salary for an office refurbishment with enhanced office facilities.

What can you offer? Opening up the opportunity to let your staff invest in their own workplace can be a crucial motivational tool. They will feel as if they own the office and they have a personal stake in what happens, which can be a great motivator to get them through those humid summer days.

Extra hours: 66 per cent of employees say they would spend more hours in the office if extra facilities were provided, with 17 per cent saying they would spend more than two hours extra per day.

What can you offer? Who would have thought that people actually want to stay in work longer?! But if you invest in making your workspace enjoyable and engaging, then people will actually want to spend time there and the fun aspect of work will return.

Relationships: Three quarters (76 per cent) said their colleagues/peers are a key factor in keeping them happy at work followed by a good relationship with their boss (68 per cent)

What can you offer? Feeling comfortable, safe and accepted in your work is extremely important; employees can form life-long friendships at work and it is beneficial for you to cultivate those relationships. organising a day of team activities, games and bonding can make workers relax in each others company, form bonds and ultimately increase productivity.

Owen Gough

Fred Morissette

Owen Gough is a reporter for He has a background in small business marketing strategies and is responsible for writing content on subjects ranging from small business finance to technology...

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