How to ensure that your HR software implementation is a success

Are you thinking of rolling out new HR software in your workplace?

As well as investing time to research what the right software solution might be for you, you’re going to need to spend some time thinking about how to implement it. This is an important consideration, as successful implementation or ‘buy-in’ from the people using it is the best way to ensure a return on investment. Here are some pointers to follow if you want your new HR software to be well-received by your company…

Firstly, it sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s worth pointing out that your HR software implementation only stands a chance of success if it’s high-quality software in the first place. So, do your research. There are lots of options on the market, and while a handful of suppliers may provide you with a similar result, there are swathes that simply aren’t offering the level of functionality, support or scalability you’re likely to need.

Choose good quality human resources software by finding out exactly what it can offer your business, forecast what you’re likely to need over the next few years, and read reliable reviews before you buy (as well as talking to the company’s salesperson). It’s also worth asking for the contact details of an existing customer: an existing customer is likely to answer the questions you have honestly, and perhaps even point things out that you haven’t thought of asking.

Related: 7 HR software tools ideal for small business

Next, decide how you’re going to measure success. There’s no point hoping that your HR software is going to fix everything, and it certainly won’t improve things like the work culture or behaviour if those are two things that are already a problem, for example. Instead, you’ll need to focus on defining what success looks like realistically, committing to improving aspects of your business via alternative means if it’s not possible to resolve issues with a simple upgrade of technology.

After that, you’ll need to figure out how to get your organisation on board with the implementation of new HR software. This means communicating an upcoming change, training people to follow new behaviours and processes, and pointing out the benefits of doing things in a new way (as people often become very wedded to the processes they know).

In order to do this, you’ll need to communicate with managers in particular, as they’ll be able to filter changes further down the chain, leading by example. It’s important that managers can answer questions like “why are these changes being made?”, as well as being equipped to guide employees through the change process.

Remember that communication needs to continue far beyond the initial launch of new HR software, too: keep channels of communication regular, clear and open through research, rollout and feedback stages, and be sure to ask how everyone’s getting on with it – from stakeholders to new joiners.

See also: 5 ways implementing HR software can help streamline your business

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