World's first crowdfunding aggregator launched

Self-styled 'Tinder for crowdfunding brings together campaigns from all main platforms on one app: it will shortly be raising its own funding round

Self-styled ‘Tinder for crowdfunding brings together campaigns from all main platforms on one app: it will shortly be raising its own funding round

An app that aggregates equity crowdfunding campaigns from all the major platforms has been launched in the UK.

Tendr, the self-styled Tinder for crowdfunding, claims to be the first product of its kind in the world. Its creators say its main function is to “help new investors access the market, boost conversions and increase transparency.”

Tendr enables users to set alerts that will inform them when a campaign is due to end, or when a company is nearing its target. This makes it easier to come to a final decision before the round closes.

Following its launch, investors will no longer have to jump between different platforms online to research new deals, but can check one application daily to stay in the know across multiple sites.

An open API allows different equity crowdfunding sites to sync up with Tendr and harness insights generated through the application. While the app has been designed for investors, it can be used by anyone to stay informed on the crowdfunding scene. Available in the UK, it will expand to Europe and beyond later this year.

Serial entrepreneur Lex Deak is behind the project and app. He is also the founder of QVentures; the global super angel investment club. He said that he thinks the product is important because, with an increasing number of equity crowdfunding platforms available, it is becoming “increasingly difficult for people to stay on top of the wealth of deals available”.

“We wanted to make life simpler by bringing them all together on one application, enabling greater deal flow for the benefit of investors and entrepreneurs,” he contiuned.

“The frictionless app simplifies what you need to know about each campaign into digestible content that quickly tells users whether the deal is one for them or not. There’s a huge potential to apply this process to other alternative investments, such as debt and property, driving further funding to the businesses of tomorrow, and we’re planning to role this out soon as part of Tendr.”

Praseeda Nair

Kellen Rempel

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.

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