Camden Town Brewery looks to crowdfund new London site

‘Hells Raiser’ campaign has £1.5m target

Fast-growing London brewing company Camden Town Brewery is looking to raise £1.5 million through crowdfunding platform Crowdcube, with the ultimate aim of opening a new brewing site in the capital.

The other aim of the growth finance initiative is to continue to grow its Hells Lager brand. Through the growth of sites and products the brewery hopes to increase its workforce from 60 today to around 200 by 2020.

There are rewards available for investors giving from £10 to £500,000 during the current campaign. One such incentive is a party for up to 50 people for anyone investing £100,000. Those donating the maximum amount will be able to negotiate their reward with Camden Town Brewery founder Jasper Cuppaidge.

>See also: Top 10 crowdfunding platforms for businesses

The business was founded in 2006 when Cuppaidge started to brew beer in his basement. Since then it has seen what its founder has described as a “crazy pace” of growth. Between 2012 and 2014 revenue increased from £2.5 million to £9 million.

Production is currently outsourced to a site in Belgium. But the crowdfunding campaign is intended to bring production back to London. A second site is due to opened, supporting the company’s production arm as it looks to expand into foreign markets.

Cuppaidge explains the company’s strategy as “keeping pace with existing demand as well as meeting our growth ambitions”.

“Crowdfunding means that fans of our lagers can be part of our future success and new investors who want to take part in the craft beer phenomenon can also become customers and ambassadors for our brand. So we are opening our doors to people who want to get involved and be part of the Hells raiser movement,” he added.

Praseeda Nair

Kellen Rempel

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.

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