Invasion of the Christmas lovers: How to make a seasonal profit

Here, we look at why businesses should get involved in festive cheer. 

Here, we look at why businesses should get involved in festive cheer. 

Grinches beware – your office will soon be filled with unavoidable Christmas cheer.

Hanging around a workplace in the festive season is like being in your own version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, where the population is slowly infected with reindeer jumpers and a sudden predilection for Cliff Richard songs.

Most of the office will begin the month grumbling, ‘It’s too early for Christmas’, but within the week they’ve filled their desk with more decorations than a Santa’s Grotto. The festive alien gets under their skin, and soon they’re doling out train sets to children with names like Little Timmy and Ragged Mary.

Even if you’re turning green and cursing Christmas like the plague, getting in on the holiday season is good for business – Amazon alone made $21 billion in 2013 thanks to Santa Claus.

While you might be worried about getting drunk at the office party and telling your co-workers what you really think of them, other businesses are trying to maximise their profits.

The business spirit

For a start, companies have to project the idea that it really is the most wonderful time of the year.

Like those saccharin supermarket ads of friendly polar bears and gregarious penguins, your workplace and website should radiate more festive joy than a Santa Claus Impersonation Convention.

Deck your halls with boughs of holly from the professionals, with Christmas tree hire and interior design experts that can maximise the cheer of your workplace. Ambience is key for clients, and a sense of the season shows that you’ve got your finger on the pulse at any time of year.

Buy! Buy! Buy!

But Amazon didn’t make billions because they shoved a sliver of holly on their logo – starting with Black Friday, they coordinate a series of sales and events to trigger their customer’s retail neurons.

The wish list feature becomes a Christmas wish list, the sales all centre on gift ideas, flash sales pop up for impulse buyers and delivery deadlines become more prominently displayed, ensuring you’ll maximise your spending to get parcels in time for the big day.

Depending on the business you’re in, this seasonal onslaught is ideal – although the nudge can be better than the bludgeon for those not in retail.

Butter ‘em up

Sombre businesses might think they’re above ridiculous things like fairy lights and joy and giving. But they’d be wrong – no matter what your racket is, this is still an ideal time to strengthen bonds with business partners.

Send out cards with seasonal greetings to all your clients, and consider bunging in a discount or special offer to sweeten them up for the New Year.

At the end of another year, many businesses want to shake up their business plans, give them a new lease of life – make sure you’re not squeezed out by giving them a great gift.

You might despise Christmas. The thought of another mulled wine-fuelled office blowout might bring you out in a rash. Having to ‘comically’ dress up as Santa Claus probably leaves you with the social neuroses of a Woody Allen character.

No matter – the more you project yourself into the role of the festive boss, the more cash will roll in. Who knows, you might realise the true spirit of Christmas – cold hard profit. 

Praseeda Nair

Kellen Rempel

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.

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