What it’s like to be a woman in logistics

Sameena Ashraf, business development, Stowga, explains how actually the logistics industry is not that scary a place for women and discusses how during a very short passage of time, the logistics sector and Stowga has very much come to feel like ‘home’.

You may be wondering what it must be like to work with a predominantly male industry that doesn’t have the best reputation for empowering women and having them lead from the front.

However, Sameena Ashraf, business development, Stowga, explains how actually the logistics industry is not that scary a place for women and discusses how during a very short passage of time, the logistics sector and Stowga has very much come to feel like ‘home’.

The meritocratic, transparent culture means that every day I am learning something new. My team members are respectful, accommodating and generous in assisting me with the tasks at hand or how to best understand the logistics sector – something I am new to.

I enjoy working with my colleagues to promote a diversity of opinion, thought and leadership in the company, address equality, and in the process, address the challenges of recruiting women to logistics roles, and the Stowga team in general.

When I decided to pursue startup ventures in London I was not optimistic. The transition from sunny San Francisco to the UK was difficult – I was quick to judge and unimpressed by the pace which the startups operated at in London. Stowga was different.

Some things, however, remain the same whether I reside across the Atlantic, or in the UK – the hipsters, the beards, the tight jeans and overpriced coffee with coconut / almond milk.

Stowga is different. I am part of a team where I can help to shape the culture of the company, as it grows. As well as following the rules, I am in a privileged position to ‘write’ them.

The flat structure of the company allows me to excel both in my professional and personal pursuits. Stowga was the challenge I had been seeking, and to my surprise proved to be a ‘breath of fresh air’. I like to be proved wrong! The constant exchange of gifs and Game of Thrones analogies keep me entertained – “a girl has no name”.

However, compared to my kin around the world, I find myself privileged and grateful. I have lived and worked in some amazing places – Singapore, Dubai, and San Francisco. I speak 5 languages fluently, and I am working with a great team to build something amazing.

Many will celebrate and embrace their gender. Some will not come to know the importance days like International Women’s Day holds, due to the different parts of the world in which we reside. We all have different destinations, and our journeys are as unique as they are multi-faceted – that’s our superpower, and it’s one we do not acknowledge as often as we should.

We are professional, working women, mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, girlfriends, friends and confidants. It gives me great pride to represent my company Stowga – and help celebrate women in the industry with 8 men who appreciate my value to the company, as a friend and colleague.

To conclude my short story, I call out to all the women of the world – young, old, those who have made mistakes, failed, healing from tragedy / heartbreak, those who are building and working hard to give themselves a better life- I salute you!

Embrace it and own it!

To all the women who are privileged to have been born and raised in a democratic society, who can share their voice freely and without fear of persecution, let us give thanks for that privilege, and to all those women without that right who we will never hear about, lets keep them in our thoughts and push for them, to have what we enjoy.

We may have grown up in different parts of the world, but there are many elements that connect us – we are hustling, grinding everyday with our brains, our beauty, our superpowers – on a mission to be the best versions of ourselves.

Owen Gough

Fred Morissette

Owen Gough is a reporter for SmallBusiness.co.uk. He has a background in small business marketing strategies and is responsible for writing content on subjects ranging from small business finance to technology...

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