The diamond-encrusted iPhone 4

Steve Jobs’s face seems to have become more familiar than our own.

Steve Jobs’s face seems to have become more familiar than our own.

Steve Jobs’s face seems to have become more familiar than our own.

With iPad frenzy still rife, Apple’s head honcho rolled out the iPhone 4, which many have heralded as the best smartphone to date (despite a small band of naysayers, of whom more later).

Jewellery designer Stuart Hughes evidently believes in what my grandmother used to call ‘gilding the lily’. He has gone one better and encrusted this most sought-after of devices with diamonds.

Not only can you admire the phone’s new super-fast processor, front-facing camera and highly praised retina display, which renders individual pixels indistinguishable to the human eye, but you can also gasp at its 6.5-carat diamond covering. You’ll be in exclusive company too as only 50 of the diamond-encrusted iPhones are going to be made.

Although this phone will set you back £13,000, it does come with a free ostrich wallet that’s been crafted to fit the phone – yes, that’s real ostrich skin, folks.

The one area where the iPhone 4 apparently falters, according to a few pedantic ingrates, is in making calls. The signal strength apparently decreases when the handset is held, or so they claim.

But just think of the reception you’ll get when you turn up at a party clasping it proudly to your ear. With your armed bodyguards in tow.

Nick Britton

Lexus Ernser

Nick was the Managing Editor for when it was owned by Vitesse Media, before moving on to become Head of Investment Group and Editor at What Investment and thence to Head of Intermediary...

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