


High growth businesses: 8 leadership qualities you need to succeed

Lindy Cozens shares the top eight leadership qualities needed for entrepreneurs who want to grow their business.


Entrepreneur interview: Alex Ingham, MD of MI Supplies

Organic growth with customer service and experience at its centre has served Alex Ingham's MI Supplies well over the last 13 years.

Growth Planning

Mission possible: How to lead like an action hero

Civica’s Wendy Merry examines the power of effective leadership and a clear organisational vision.


Take the quiz – What kind of leader are you?

We have created a quick quiz where SME business owners can find out what kind of leader they are using real-life entrepreneurs and politicians.


Leadership traits that you can learn in an afternoon

We have all heard how the biggest CEOs rose to power, but which of their leadership skills can you learn in an afternoon.

Growth Planning

Change: the greatest contradiction?

EP Innovates' Chris Sheppardson makes the business case for supporting change and business reinvention.


Why deep help is the most underrated leadership strategy

New research from UCL reveals a new rising trend as today’s leaders go beyond shallow advice and favours to provide 'deep help' to their teams.


10 tips to avoid corporate governance gaffs

Corporate governance expert Gerry Brown shares his top 10 tried and tested tips for successfully hiring effective independent minded non-executive directors, while avoiding corporate governance gaffs.

Human Resources

Reaping the benefits of an employee training plan

Recent research from Robert Half UK found that the importance of employee training goes far beyond businesses reaching their goals. Phil Sheridan, senior managing director at Robert Half UK, explains some of the findings.


What does your coffee order say about your leadership skills?

A survey of 1,000 coffee drinkers reveals which type are organised and take charge, and which are laid back “people-pleasers". What's your poison?

Human Resources

How to cope when you first become boss

Laura Evans, associate solicitor at Your HR Lawyer offers top top tips to make sure you are prepared when you first become boss.


Why responsible leadership is critical in a future where robots take our jobs

With large numbers of employees set to lose jobs to AI and robotics, only responsible leadership can manage these changes effectively, according to experts from a roundtable.