

Human Resources

The identity challenge of the migrant workforce

In a country where a large migrant workforce can both empower and cause issues, John Lord, managing director of GB Group, examines what must be considered by employers.


Zero hour contracts – a love or hate relationship

With a lot of negative press emerging about zero hour contracts, what do entrepreneurs and business leaders really think about the practice?

Human Resources

Performance management is all year round, not just for Christmas!

Lucinda Carney, occupational psychologist and founder of Actus, looks at how employee performance should be managed and mapped.

Human Resources

Employing older staff

With average life expectancies increasing, birth rates falling and the pension system under more and more strain, most of us have accepted that we will be working further into our old age than previous generations.

Human Resources

Q&A: Employers holding personal details

Our HR dept has stated that it is now a company requirement to submit our passports and birth certificates for scrutiny and photocopies are being held on file. Is this legal?

Human Resources

Employ at your peril

UK and European legislation has ensured that the days of an entrepreneur or CEO being master of his own house with regard to employment issues has long gone.