
Cash shells

Company Flotations

What is a cash shell?

We give a definition of cash shell and explain the meaning of reverse takeover.

Company Flotations

Cash shells: AIM’s best-kept secret

Research from Business XL magazine has identified 31 such cash shells quoted on the smaller stock markets, with a combined £48 million of cash on their balance sheets.


RAK Real Estate floats on PLUS

A cash shell for investing in Middle Eastern and North African property businesses has floated on PLUS.


Cash shells’ resources multiply

The amount of money in AIM- and PLUS-listed cash shells has increased 42 per cent on a year ago.

Company Flotations

Cash shells uncovered

There are 49 cash shells - businesses with money but no trading operations - listed in London on both AIM and PLUS. And they've got close to £80 million to spend. Could your business reverse into one and pick up the cash? Robert Tyerman and Leslie Copeland report.


Special report: cash shells

There are 49 cash shells – businesses with money but no trading operations – listed in London on both AIM and PLUS. And they’ve got close to £80 million to spend.

Company Flotations

How to take the cash shell route

One way of floating on AIM is to find a cash shell. This is a company already quoted on the market that either has no continuing business or assets, apart from some remaining cash, or has been specially created as a quoted vehicle to pursue investment opportunities.


Cash shells: the clock ticks

Looking for a quick route to the stock market with a tidy sum of cash thrown in for good measure? Then why not take the cash shell route. There are 88 shells on AIM, with £77.1 million in cash between them - and most of it has to be spent in the next eight months.