

Company Flotations

Here’s how you undertake an IPO in the UK in the best way

Floating your company on the stock market is a complex process, but get it right and it'll pay dividends

Alternative Finance for Business

Online platform launches to help companies raise finance

Companies can borrow up to £2m to grow their businesses

Company Flotations

AIM Adviser Index

GrowthBusiness presents its ranking of the brokers, nomads, auditors and lawyers most active on AIM.


AIM brokers in £16m merger

As foreshadowed in December, brokers WH Ireland and Blue Oar have agreed terms of a "possible" £16.2 million merger.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Going for brokers 

Deal activity in the financial services sector moves up a notch as small finance houses and global brokers are snapped up by ravenous rivals. Andrew MacLeod reports.


AIM’s most active brokers and nominated advisers

To successfully float on the stock market, your business must be inspiring enough to attract new cash and robust enough to withstand the rigours of the publicly-quoted world. More importantly, you need the best advisers – and we’ve found them.