Businesses are unconvinced that Nick Clegg understands their needs, according to a poll on GrowthBusiness.
Businesses are unconvinced that Nick Clegg understands their needs, according to a poll on GrowthBusiness.
The pre-election survey, to which 189 entrepreneurs and business leaders responded, finds that new Prime Minister David Cameron is the party leader most trusted by businesses, with 39 per cent of the vote. There was also a crumb of comfort for departing PM Gordon Brown, who won approval from 32 per cent of respondents after his three years in office.
However, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, now the Deputy Prime Minister, secured the votes of just 10 per cent of respondents. This is less than half of the vote share won by the Liberal Democrats in last week’s election.
The balance of 17 per cent believe that none of the three men has a working understanding of business issues.