

Look! No wires

We are becoming a nation of workers on the move - or so media hype surrounding the so-called “wireless revolution” would have us believe. But more recently, this hype has begun to take on some substance.



Why IT security is vital

The internet is providing rich pickings for the criminal underworld. Mark Dixon, an IT manager at EMS, which provides wireless alarms, says he used to spend two to three days a week cleaning infected PCs.


Technology tailored to fit

‘Life On Demand’ is a term that epitomises the way our personal and business lives are heading. Today, companies make millions giving people the products and services to do any number of things on demand.


The benefits of data recovery

Data loss can be catastrophic for businesses, causing costly downtime and the loss of valuable customer information.


How PDAs can change your life

Simon Powell, founder and director of lock-maker Servocell, is a self-crowned ‘King Geek’. He owned one of the prototype PDAs, the Psion organiser, back in the primeval days of 1995.


The Next Big Thing?….SaaS

Both Google and SaaS (Software as a Service) pioneer continue to be financial successes, so expect to see more and more companies follow suit and begin distributing all sorts of software to customers over the web, rather than using the traditional route to market of selling it in packages.


Wearable computers

It’s finally here, the integration of man and machine... OK, not quite, but there are a number of products about to hit the market that should revolutionise the way we use computers and personal devices...


Radio frequency identification (RFID)

Manufacturers, event organisers, airlines – even Government departments; everyone seems to be heralding the potential of radio frequency identification these days. But what exactly is RFID and why should growing businesses care about it?


Wearable computers

It’s finally here, the integration of man and machine... OK, not quite, but there are a number of products about to hit the market that should revolutionise the way we use computers and personal devices...


Radio frequency identification (RFID)

Manufacturers, event organisers, airlines – even Government departments; everyone seems to be heralding the potential of radio frequency identification these days. But what exactly is RFID and why should growing businesses care about it?


Choosing the right IT support

I’ve had a few problems with my computers over the past year – bigger problems than I’ve been able to fix and it’s cost me a packet. I now realise we should get some IT support. How do I go about choosing someone reliable and not too expensive? Are there professional certificates that they should have for example?


Advantages of computer networking

We now have four computers in our office. People tell me it’s worth networking them together, but I don’t really see the need. Can you go through the advantages of doing so - can’t we just email documents to each other seeing as it’s free?


Difference between wireless and WiMax

What is the difference between normal wireless and WiMax? Or is it the same product labelled differently?


Advantages of wireless technology

People keep telling me wireless is the next big thing, but I work from a small office. Are there any other advantages of having wireless devices or is it just so that your office looks tidy – i.e. not covered in cables?