
PR and Marketing Strategy

From the first ever YouTube video to now: How video became the dominant platform online

When co-founder Jawed Karim first uploaded his video, 'Me at the zoo' in 2005, YouTube was in its infancy. Now it's a staple for video content creators.

PR and Marketing Strategy

PR and Marketing Strategy

Your ultimate SEO health check guide – How to climb the ranks

In this post Ed Ryan, digital marketing consultant at Hallam Internet, offers a nine step guide to ensure your website is performing well online.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Marketing your food truck business in 5 easy steps

Here are a five sure-fire marketing tips to bring in loyal customers, grow your food truck business and turn a great profit.

PR and Marketing Strategy

How to avoid a PR disaster – Bob Dearsley reveals all

Setting up a PR campaign is a nervy process for companies. What can you do to make sure you avoid a PR disaster? Bob Dearsley reveals all.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Stay competitive on Amazon with the right re-pricing system

At first glance, a pricing system might seem very simple – even young children understand that it’s all about profit, and that the easiest way to accomplish this is to calculate your costs, put your price per unit higher, and sell as much as possible. Pricing in the real world, however, gets a lot more complicated than that; there are many more factors to consider.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Three tips for building a foundation of trust with sales leads

Since the internet and social media have permeated our lives, the B2B buying process has undergone quite a transformation.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Are you marketing your products in the right way?

If you’re at all uncertain that you’re marketing your products or services properly, here’s some information on what you should be doing.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Are loyalty programs really worth it?

The traditional advice as far as cultivating loyalty to your small business is concerned is that it’s not just the customers themselves who will be rewarded if you can get more of them to stick with you – it’ll be your company that feels the benefits, too.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Are you marketing your products in the right way?

If you’re at all uncertain that you’re marketing your products or services properly, here’s some information on what you should be doing.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Are loyalty programs really worth it?

The traditional advice as far as cultivating loyalty to your small business is concerned is that it’s not just the customers themselves who will be rewarded if you can get more of them to stick with you – it’ll be your company that feels the benefits, too.

PR and Marketing Strategy

3 top tips for direct marketing your business

For businesses, direct marketing can be complicated. There are some fundamental principles of direct marketing that basically remain unchanged.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Exploring the untapped potential of digital tribes

Aurecon’s Frank van Rensburg argues for the untapped resource of digital tribes to help us design a better way of living.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Can your brand identity save you from a PR scandal?

Imagine the worst PR crisis your business could suffer. Can you brand identity handle that? HIROLA Group's Amit Shah explores.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Are marketers really data-driven or are they still “flying blind”?

DataXu’s Sandro Catanzaro outlines how marketers can boost the impact of their campaigns through a data-driven approach.