

Articles, news and expert analysis on business leadership topics for UK growth companies and start-ups.

Beyond finance: creative MBAs that can lead to entrepreneurial success

MBAs are often seen solely as qualifications in narrow financial disciplines: but casting your net wider afield can bring unexpected benefits.



Be transparent, expect transparency – Lord Sugar's advice to businesses

Renowned businessperson Lord Alan Sugar has been providing his tips for entrepreneurs, via business data site Company Check.


How can you foster a company culture that makes you attractive to customers?

In today's age of transparency, being magnified by mediums such as social media, there is a strong emphasis on values and ethics in terms of the way businesses are managed. Consumers are far more discerning in terms of their buying patterns and consequently will look at things such as a company's social conscience and what it stands for.


Is emotional intelligence the most important personal trait in leadership?

Is emotional intelligence more important than IQ in successful leadership? Here, Marielena Sabatier argues the case for taking it more seriously.


Navigating by design: Leadership not management

In this exclusive extract from Kevin Uphill's book Navigating the Rivers of Cash, the author looks at the ways leaders can be more effective by taking focus away from levels of management.


How to influence without authority

Being able to influence others without relying on authority can be an invaluable skill, says Stephen Archer.


Why you can’t lead from your comfort zone

When workers are promoted to the top job they often have trouble letting go of their former duties and moving on to more strategic tasks. Read on for some tips to resist this urge when you secure a big promotion.


Q&A: Serge Taborin, CEO, Q App

Read tips on preparing for a funding round from an entrepreneur currently going through the process


Why you can’t lead from your comfort zone

When workers are promoted to the top job they often have trouble letting go of their former duties and moving on to more strategic tasks. Read on for some tips to resist this urge when you secure a big promotion.


Q&A: Serge Taborin, CEO, Q App

Read tips on preparing for a funding round from an entrepreneur currently going through the process


Increasing your business value by thinking strategically

Kevin Uphill, chairman at Avondale, argues that creating a well-trained second tier that drives a company will free up business owners to focus on strategy.


What we can learn from great sporting leaders 

When it comes to picking role models and mentors, the sporting world offers an inspirational range of leaders who are great at rallying troops to achieve a collective goal.


Is it possible to nurture entrepreneurial skills within a large accountancy firm?

Michel Driessen, operational transactions services leader at EY, looks at how staff can be encouraged to be entrepreneurial at a large professional services business.


To be a digital company, change your core

Want to know whether simply creating a Facebook account constitutes ‘going digital’? Peter Veash, CEO of digital business The BIO Agency, explains why it’s not.