How to mobilise your workforce

If you choose to implement a flexible working programme, it’s important to consider the risks as well as the potential rewards.

If you choose to implement a flexible working programme, it’s important to consider the risks as well as the potential rewards. The following tips, provided by in association with T-Mobile, should help:

  • 1. Establish your objectives
    Are you looking to improve productivity, enhance service, or simply boost your staff’s motivation?
  • 2. Set clear targets
    Create effective productivity targets, both for individuals and the company. You need to gauge the overall success of the flexible working measures.
  • 3. Consult your staff
    Find out what kind of flexible working your staff would appreciate. (Make sure they do actually want it.)
  • 4. Consider the drawbacks
    You will have fewer opportunities to see your staff face-to-face and view their work. How will this impact on your ability to manage them?
  • 5. Plan for the cultural shift
    A sudden switch in working patterns can be a shock. There is a risk your employees may no longer feel part of the team.
  • 6. Provide the tools your staff need
    Staff need to be as available and responsive to customer enquiries as they were before.
  • 7. Check your liability
    Make sure your health and safety policy covers employees working outside the office.
  • 8. Shout about it
    Flexible working will help you attract and retain staff. Make sure you promote it in your recruitment campaigns.

Marc Barber

Raven Connelly

Marc was editor of GrowthBusiness from 2006 to 2010. He specialised in writing about entrepreneurs, private equity and venture capital, mid-market M&A, small caps and high-growth businesses.