How to improve your pitch deck #2 – Holm

Welcome to SeedLegals pitch deck clinic #2. SeedLegals CEO Anthony Rose punches up the pitch deck for Manchester-based in-home care provider Holm

How to improve your pitch deck #2 – Holm

SeedLegals CEO Anthony Rose sits down with Nik Holm, founder of Manchester-based Holm in-home care services to go through his PowerPoint presentation, offering takeaways on how to improve your own pitch deck.

For Rose, a slide deck is always a story: what is the problem you’re looking to solve? How are you going to solve it? How are you going to help others? How are you doing in terms of traction? Who is the team?

Holm describes itself as the Airbnb of social care, making it quich and easy for people to book personal carers to look after the elderly in their own homes. 

The Manchester-based company currently has 25 staff, of which five are office based, and is looking to raise £150,000.

Rose says: “You’ve done a nice job telling the story, you could probably tease out more the start-up part of it.”

Look and feel

  • How to make your pitch deck appeal to investors, not just customers
  • The importance of presenting yourself as a tech start-up

Messaging and proposition

  • Laser focus on your proposition
  • The danger of comparing yourself to unicorn start-ups
  • Keep messages and images positive
  • Problem vs. solution
  • Why social proof is important
  • Signing off with what you’re looking for

Valuation and financials

  • Demonstrate where you sit in the market using a quadrant
  • Show your path to profitability
  • The longer your funding round goes on, the lower your profit projections
  • Make sure your numbers and graphics match

Further reading

How to improve your pitch deck #1 – MeasureMatch





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