
Growth Planning

Book review – plus your chance to get hold of a free copy

Your Business, Your Family, Their Future - How to ensure your family enterprise thrives for generations by Emily Griffiths-Hamilton

Growth Planning

Growth Planning

AIM for growth businesses looking to scale up is still an option

AIM used to be the first port of call for growth companies looking to fund raise. To be so again it needs to attract institutional interest and improve transparency and governance, argues Ivan Sedgwick of LGB & Co

Growth Planning

Are you on track to be running a $1bn unicorn business?

Have you got what it takes to be running a fabled $1bn unicorn business? A study by recruitment firm Pareto Law finds they have some surprising things in common

Growth Planning

What is OKR? – how to avoid the magpie effect when scaling your business

We’ve all done it. Been sidetracked by a new, shiny thing taking our eye off our real business objective. You need Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to stay focused, says Roger Longden

Growth Planning

Intellectual property – how to protect yours as a start up or scale up

Many owners of start up and scale up businesses over look the importance of protecting their intellectual property. Zain Ali (pictured) of Centuro Global explains what to do and why

Growth Planning

Small business growth plans stall ahead of original Brexit date

The Federation of Small Businesses reveals that small businesses are stalling growth amid prolonged Brexit uncertainty.

Growth Planning

Growth Business owner Q&A – Alan Inskip, CEO of Tempcover

In the first of a series in which Growth Business figures answer questions on their businesses success to date, Alan Inskip (pictured), Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of temporary insurance provider Tempcover discusses how the business came about

Growth Planning

How do SMEs take the leap and scale with sales?

Having a replicable sales process is essential if you want to scale, says The Apprentice's Elizabeth McKenna.

Growth Planning

Growth Business owner Q&A – Alan Inskip, CEO of Tempcover

In the first of a series in which Growth Business figures answer questions on their businesses success to date, Alan Inskip (pictured), Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of temporary insurance provider Tempcover discusses how the business came about

Growth Planning

How do SMEs take the leap and scale with sales?

Having a replicable sales process is essential if you want to scale, says The Apprentice's Elizabeth McKenna.

Growth Planning

The five key business growth drivers

If you want to drive new business development for your company, these are some of the things that you'll need to consider.

Growth Planning

University of Oxford and Goldman Sachs supporting UK businesses

US giant wants to help UK owners and managers of firms to launch new products and be more confident in their leadership.

Growth Planning

Stay ahead of the curve: what are the 2018 office design trends?

Simon Clark, office interior specialist at Irongate Group, asks designers and trendsetters on what designs will prevail in 2018.

Growth Planning

Increasing business growth: Seven key considerations

Here, Stuart Hatcher, partner in the corporate team at PwC explains the key considerations when you plan to grow your business.