Four essential features of an effective business IT system in 2018

Managing your businesses IT system successfully can be the difference between failure and success. Amanda Williams, marketing manager, Pescado, gives her top four essential features to ensure success.

It can be stated with confidence that the majority of businesses within the UK will rely on IT and technology. Without effective IT in place a business runs the risk of exposure to cyber security issues, data loss and system failure; all of which can ultimately lead to any number of consequences including hefty fines, loss of customers and even insolvency.

Much of the time it will only take a few simple steps for businesses to improve their current IT systems, making their business not only more secure, but also much more efficient.

Effective business IT


A recent survey carried out by the Department for Media, Culture and Sport, found that almost half of businesses surveyed had experienced some form of cyber attack or breach in the preceding 12 months. This figure highlights the enormity of the issue that IT security can pose for a business; therefore, it is essential that businesses have procedures in place that are both comprehensive and detailed, but also relevant to their business and the work they carry out.


The world of software and technology is vast and can be extremely hard to navigate. The correct software has the ability to double or even triple the productivity of a business, therefore it is highly recommended that a business analyses their needs and chooses the ideal software for them.

This could cover a number of different areas and purposes, for example, Microsoft Office 365 to streamline all administration, communication and project management requirements, all using one central software system.


The options for business connectivity are vast and ever changing; having a business broadband connection that is not suitable for your business’ requirements can lead to extensive downtime. Ensure that you choose the appropriate office connectivity solution for your business by assessing your precise requirements.

You will then be able to make an informed choice between the numerous options out there, be it ADSL, FTTC, EFM, leased lines or WAN.

Back up and disaster recovery

Many businesses suffer with data and document loss, from small issues such as accidentally deleting a document, to much larger scale situations such as a cyber attack. Ensuring your business is regularly backing up is essential to keeping your vital documents safe, this includes all those working from both office and home.

Your backups should be kept in a secure data centre. Your business should also have an appropriate disaster recovery plan in place so that major incidents are dealt with quickly and downtime is kept to a minimum. Testing your business’ plan will uncover any issues that could prevent quick recovery.

Implementing each of these steps can be a daunting prospect for any business owner. For the best possible outcome it is always beneficial to bring on an professional to ensure you IT systems are appropriate and effective.

Amanda Williams is marketing manager at Pescado

Owen Gough

Fred Morissette

Owen Gough is a reporter for He has a background in small business marketing strategies and is responsible for writing content on subjects ranging from small business finance to technology...

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