Entrepreneurial Brits want to do it their way

A third of workers in the UK believe they could run the business they work for better than the current set-up, new research shows.

Findings from short term lender borro’s Enterprise Ladder Report shows that 29 per cent of those surveyed believe that they could do a better job than the owners that oversee their day-jobs.

Further statistics reveal that 38 per cent feel they could do a better job than their current line manager.

Some 24 per cent of entrepreneurial survey respondents have short or mid-term plans to set up their own business, but 44 per cent of those who haven’t been able to cite lack of start-up funds as the primary obstacle.

A total of 32 per cent have been unsuccessful in trying to raise capital from external sources such as banks and alternative finance providers.

CEO of borro, Paul Aitken, believes that the UK is a nation of business leaders in waiting, frustrated with their current jobs.

He adds, ‘Despite the recession, British ambition is alive and kicking again, so it’s time for employees to come out of the shadows and take control.

‘If people feel they could do a better job than their boss, they should be encouraged to follow their dreams and become their own boss.’

Statistics from borro’s Enterprise Ladder Report are taken from Opinium Research’s Consumer Omnibus Survey, findings from 2,021 interviews in May.

Hunter Ruthven

Bernard Williamson

Hunter was the Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2012 to 2014, before moving on to Caspian Media Ltd to be Editor of Real Business.

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