How your desk job is ruining your health

On earth, adults have it worse than teenagers and seniors combined, because they have to try to live youthfully, prepare for the upcoming future and survive the present by means of a secure job.

All these expectations can often lead to a great deal of stress that floods the brain, but perhaps nothing is worse than having to work a desk job.

Over 80 percent of Americans spend their time from 9 am to 5 pm on a desk and it’s killing them, literally. If you don’t believe this fact, here are some ways your desk job is taking years off your lifespan.

Increased cholesterol levels

Sitting for hours at a time can lead to dire consequences for your heart. Studies show that prolonged sitting reduces the amount of lipoprotein lipase in the body; an essential enzyme required to convert LDL (harmful cholesterol) into HDL (protective version).

The sedentary lifestyle leads to higher cholesterol levels and what aggravates the fact is that many employees eat fast food for lunch or commute for long hours by car, which further increases their cholesterol levels.

If left untreated, these surges of blood cholesterol can spell chronic health complications such as diabetes, obesity and of course, heart disease.

Heart disease is America’s most notorious killer and it takes the lives of over 600,000 people every year. Improve your work lifestyle by incorporating short walks or light exercise in the middle of the day.

Bad air

Aside from sitting, desk jobs are also associated with spending a large amount of time indoors. During this time, employees are exposed to many toxins and bacteria which are carried through the recirculated air.

Don’t underestimate the importance of fresh air and go outside for a couple of minutes, lest you risk clogging your lungs with bad office air. Staying indoors and not getting exposure to sunlight and fresh air can weaken your immune system and reduce Vitamin D levels.

Painful joints

Working a desk job leaves employees prone to many kinds of sprains and aches which is a sign of weakening bones and unhealthy posture. Adults who work full-time desk jobs are more likely to suffer from upper and lower back pains, as well as painful joints.

This is because of sitting for prolonged periods of time which can change the mechanics of joints and tendons. This leads to an aching body that’s more likely to suffer from injuries and not recover fast enough due to a weakened immune system.

Incorrect posture

Not only is this a result of constantly sitting in your chair, but also due to slouching and sitting incorrectly. Continuously slouching in your seat leads to bad posture and if it’s left uncorrected, you could suffer from discomfort while walking.

It’s highly imperative that incorrect posture is set right, even after the day is over. You could work out, go for a walk or stretch between assignments at work. But most importantly, you can get proper rest by sleeping on a therapeutic mattress.

This is why you should make an investment for your health by purchasing the best bed for back pain.

Brenden Grant

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