It’s not just interior decorators who need worry about finding the right colours. Using the correct hue for your business can positively influence both staff and customers.
It’s not just interior decorators who need worry about finding the right colours. Using the correct hue for your business can positively influence both staff and customers.
In a study from printing company HP, green appears to be the colour that induces the most agreeability. More than half of respondents (53 per cent) given statements in a green font agreed or strongly agreed with them, compared to 36 per cent of respondents given the same statements in black.
The survey found that red generated more extreme responses, with 29 per cent strongly agreeing or disagreeing with statements in this colour compared to black (ten per cent). Blue and black generated the most indifferent responses, with 47 per cent and 43 per cent respectively neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the statements printed in these colours.
Luis Casado, marketing director at HP, says: ‘The use of colour is not merely a question of aesthetics. Both empirical research and anecdotal examples demonstrate the importance of colour and the role it plays in individuals’ decision-making and how it influences their level of success.’
Of the 2,000 respondents questioned, more than twice as many men across the entire survey (all colours considered) returned an extreme response to the statements (24 per cent) compared to women (11 per cent).