How to improve your pitch deck #4 – Nua x Design

How to improve your pitch deck #4. SeedLegals CEO Anthony Rose offers advice on punching up the pitch deck of online interior design service Nua x Design

How to improve your pitch deck #4 – Nua x Design

SeedLegals CEO Anthony Rose sits down with Emily Eby, founder of online interior design service Nua x Design, to go through her pitch deck PowerPoint presentation, offering advice on how to improve your pitch deck at the same time. 

For Rose, a slide deck is always a story: what is the problem you’re looking to solve? How are you going to solve it? How are you going to help others? How are you doing in terms of traction? Who is the team?

According to Eby, one in four people in the UK aren’t happy with the state of their home interiors, either because they lack confidence in their own taste or they don’t have the time to revamp it. Furthermore, they find the home furnishinig marketplace daunting and the interior design industry inaccessible. 

Nua x Design is an online platform connecting home owners and renters with emerging interior design talent to democratise interior design, providing convenient and affordable interior design advice so everyone can create a home for that works for them, reflects their style and improves their daily life. 

“Every home deservers good design,” says Eby. 

Nua x Design is raising £350,000 to give an 18-month runway to develop its award-winning concept. 

Look and feel

  • Have the pitch deck match your ethos
  • Keep imagery style uniform

Messaging and proposition

  • Are you B2B or B2C?
  • Should your pitch deck refer to Covid?
  • Show the investor what your finished platform is going to look like, even if it’s a mock-up
  • Don’t let your pitch deck offer up ananswerable questions
  • Don’t jump around – keep your structure clear
  • Reflect the ambition of the amount of money you’re trying to raise

Valuation and financials

  • Investors want to see national/global ambition
  • Show investors a growth story
  • Make sure your figures stack up
  • Include a timetable
  • Is your funding tax deductible – if so, say so!

Further reading

How to improve your pitch deck #3 – Axana

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