3 top tips for direct marketing your business

For businesses, direct marketing can be complicated. There are some fundamental principles of direct marketing that basically remain unchanged.

The good news is that innovative measures introduced over the years have gradually led to an increasing ROI on direct marketing expenditure – which means it’s even more cost-effective now for your business.

So, how can you direct market your business or brand? First, you should understand there are three fundamental direct marketing elements:

-The offer
-Sufficient information to instantly accept the offer
-A mechanism to respond to the offer
-You must deal with these three elements to be successful in any direct marketing campaign. Get these right, and your business will feel the positive impact immediately.

We’ve gathered three of the top tips from marketing experts to help you get started.

1. Targeting your audience

You should know your customers, and therefore your audience, so that you don’t waste time and effort, but target your direct marketing efforts at those most likely to respond in a positive manner to what you offer. You can purchase high quality mailing lists from reputable companies, or rent them, or maybe even take the time to develop your own list based on your specific customer demographics – which could pay off big in the long run.

2. Be memorable

Successful direct marketing campaigns often have one principle common factor: a knockout design which complements and supports the brand or marketing message.

There are some basic design rules which you should follow. But these don’t in any way limit your own imagination and creativity. If you aren’t knowledgeable or comfortable coming up with your own design, or using the necessary software, consult a professional graphic designer. Professionally designed and produced leaflets or A5 brochure printing will go a long way to boosting the credibility of your direct marketing effort.

3. Sell the right thing

There’s plenty of evidence that shows people are generally not turned on by products or services, but they are interested in what those products or services can do for them; how they can make life easier, or better. So, make sure you appeal to the needs and wants of your potential customers; sell solutions, not products. What can your product/service do for the person reading your direct marketing material? What’s the benefit to them?

Not sure what the difference is? Here are some examples:

– John isn’t interested in the latest DIY widget – but he is interested in finishing DIY tasks around the house quicker so he can have more free time for golf.
-Sarah, isn’t interested in a dress – she’s interested in looking thinner for a special social event.
-Celine isn’t interested in reading an investment newsletter, but she is interested in investing in something which will allow her to retire early.
-Get the idea? Emotions are a powerful motivator – appeal to the heart, and not the brain. Most people make irrational decisions, based on emotional needs and wants, and then justify their purchase with logic. So, use emotion to draw them in and then close the deal with logic which will help them justify their decision to purchase.

See also: Advantages and disadvantages of direct marketing for small businesses

Owen Gough

Fred Morissette

Owen Gough is a reporter for SmallBusiness.co.uk. He has a background in small business marketing strategies and is responsible for writing content on subjects ranging from small business finance to technology...

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