What motivates Generation Z?

Big bucks and flexible working top Gen Z’s 2018 motivation list, according to new research. Here's why.

For two in three young people in the ‘Generation Z’ bucket say salary is their top motivator in the workplace – followed closely by job security and flexible working.

This according to new research that looks into what attracts the next wave of UK employees, aged 23 and younger.

The study, conducted by Powwownow, found that nearly three quarters of 18 to 23-year olds in the workforce said they would work harder for a promotion if it resulted in an increased salary. Living up to their image as workers who reject traditional working hierarchies, one in four expect to be offered flexible working twice a week, and reported this would motivate them to stay in the company for longer.

Nearly a quarter of young professionals said they were intent on staying with an employer for five years or more if provided with flexible working options.

Less than a third of women surveyed said they were bothered about a more senior job title or the prestige that comes with a promotion, while 42 per cent of men said they were motivated by the prospect of a new label.

Unsurprisingly, poor or slow technology was cited as the most frustrating factor in the workplace for nearly a third of Gen Z workers. Two-thirds of those surveyed said not having up to date technology has a negative impact on their ability to work effectively. Nearly a third said that having the latest technology is vital in the workplace.

“Businesses who want to attract and motivate the best talent from the newest generation entering the workplace need to recognise that flexible working, the latest technology and competitive salaries are top of the priorities list for young professionals,” Jason Downes, MD of Powwownow says.

“This generation is looking for a work-life blend, where their work life and personal life compliment and support each other. It’s clear that if young professionals feel motivated and fulfilled in their role then they will be loyal to a company in the long run. UK businesses need to ensure they are creating a working environment that will attract, support and nurture the newest generation entering the workplace.”

See also: Can you wow prospective Gen Z employees in less than a minute?

Praseeda Nair

Kellen Rempel

Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.

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