Garside joins ISIS Equity Partners

Experienced 3i executive Andrew Garside has moved south to manage the team responsible for new investments in London at ISIS Equity Partners.

Garside spent 14 years at 3i and most recently has been responsible for managing the venture capitalist’s operations in Yorkshire and the North East.

Major deals he has organised include the management buyouts of Extec quarry crushers and Zenith Vehicle Contracts, worth £56 million and £18 million respectively. He also raised £57 million of development capital for Smart & Cook insurance brokers, and has exited from care homes group Castlebeck Care and motor vehicle data provider HPI.

Earlier this month Richard Bucknell and Neil Bennett joined ISIS’ deal origination teams in Birmingham and London respectively. ISIS manages the four Baronsmead VCTs and wants to become ‘the preferred equity funder for ambitious companies across the UK’ according to managing director Wol Kolade.

Garside commented, ‘I am eager to get into the South East market and help the team increase the rate of investment.’

Leslie Copeland

Gordon Yost

Leslie was made Editor for Growth Company Investor magazine in 2000, then headed up the launch of Business XL magazine, and then became Editorial Director in 2007 for the online and print publication portfolio...

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