Choices for Granville

Choices – the provider of residential care services for individuals with learning difficulties – has been acquired by its management, in a deal backed by Granville Baird Capital Partners. The private equity house invested £10 million in the transaction.

Choices – the provider of residential care services for individuals with learning difficulties – has been acquired by its management, in a deal backed by Granville Baird Capital Partners. The private equity house invested £10 million in the transaction.

Choices – the provider of residential care services for individuals with learning difficulties – has been acquired by its management, in a deal backed by Granville Baird Capital Partners. The private equity house invested £10 million in the transaction.

Employing 700 individuals in Scotland and the North East of England, Choices not only operates residential care homes but also provides supported living services, allowing individuals to remain in their own homes. 130 people are currently supported by these services.

With Granville Baird having previously backed a plethora of similar businesses, the investment group’s Andrew Ferguson sees plenty of scope for future growth. ‘I believe that acquisitions will be a feature of further development and we are pleased to be working with them at this time,’ he explains.

Leslie Copeland

Gordon Yost

Leslie was made Editor for Growth Company Investor magazine in 2000, then headed up the launch of Business XL magazine, and then became Editorial Director in 2007 for the online and print publication portfolio...

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