14 science-backed reasons to disconnect over the weekend

Step away from your work emails! If you're guilty of putting a few extra hours in at work, whether in the office or on your sofa with your smartphone, this infographic explains exactly why you may be doing more harm than good.

Entrepreneurs are many things: dreamers, creators, opportunity hunters and hard workers. But most notoriously, business owners have a bad habit of working too much. 

If you feel pressured to work on your days off, either to keep up your growth momentum, or to take the slack off your overstretched employees, the terrible irony is that you might actually end up doing more harm than good. A Whitehall study suggests that working long hours can double the odds of a major depressive episode — not much use for your wellbeing, your family, or your business.

Stress-related absenteeism and reduced productivity cost businesses £29 billion a year, according to a PWC study, which is something you may want to think about going into work in for a couple of hours on Saturday morning.

Instead, consider making the most of your break to disconnect from work, recharge your batteries, and find inspiration so you return to work, creative guns blazing.

This infographic from NetCredit explains the science behind taking the weekend off, and how to do it right to get the most out of your break.


Praseeda Nair

Kellen Rempel

Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.

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